6 prayers for Afghanistan with Afghanistan mountains in distance

6 Prayers for Afghanistan

Urgent headlines will soon replace the current Afghanistan headlines; but may the people of Afghanistan not fade from our hearts or our prayers anytime soon. 

Did You Know? 

Afghanistan is the second most dangerous country for Christians to live in. (North Korea has been ranked the most dangerous country for twenty years straight now.) Whether these countries are in the news or not, let’s do our best to remember to keep these believers in our prayers. (To learn more about these and other persecuted countries, download the 2021 World Watch List here.)

Six Prayers for Afghanistan

Here are six prayers for Afghanistan. Pray: 

  1. That those who cannot flee the country would fly to Christ and find in Him a refuge beyond compare (Psalm 9:9-10). 
  2. For vulnerable children who are susceptible to physical or emotional harm or attack. Pray that the church would do what they’ve always done so well and care for the orphan (James 1:27).
  3. That entire countries—and especially Christians—will open their borders, their homes, and their hearts to the many displaced refugees. 
  4. That God would shine in the hearts of ISIS and the Taliban to give “the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ” (2 Cor. 4:6). And if not, that He would “let their way be dark and slippery, with the angel of the LORD pursuing them” (Ps. 35:6). That these Islamic extremists would “fall into their own nets” (Psalm 141:10).
  5. For vivid encounters with Jesus for those who don’t yet know Him. 
  6. For a “reverse Acts moment.” (The book of Acts tells the story of how God sovereignly spread the gospel to the corners of the earth through the early church being displaced due to persecution.) As thousands of Afghans are displaced, may they come in contact with Christians who will share the good news with them in a way that wouldn’t have happened without this situation. 

Will you turn down the news and turn up your prayers with me? 


Paula (Hendricks) Marsteller is a compassionate, bold Christian communicator offering you gospel hope, thought-provoking questions, and practical help along the way.

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