Catch My Conversation with the Top U.S. Sex Worker

Christian author talks with sex worker

When I received an email asking if I’d be willing to have a conversation with a sex worker on Honest Discourse, I wrote back “Why me?”

Why Me?

Greg Sukert of Anchored North said their organization spent a good deal of time researching women who:

  • have written on the topic of biblical sexuality, 
  • can convey truth in love, 
  • have friendly, conversational characteristics in their spoken words. 

I was nervous, but I couldn’t say no to an opportunity to hear a sex worker’s perspective as well as to clearly articulate the gospel to her. And so I said yes, not realizing I’d just agreed to speak with the most successful sex worker in the U.S. (Not intimidating in the least, right?) 

My Conversation with Alice

My fears eased as I began to talk with Alice. While her views on intimacy are cheap and saddening, I genuinely like her. As you’ll hear in this podcast, she’s articulate and gracious. 

We spent a total of four hours talking together, because the audio for our first two-hour conversation was lost. Here’s what you’ll hear in our two-part conversation. 

In Part 1, we introduce ourselves and then respond to these five statements:

  1. Sex is the greatest pleasure in life.
  2. Sex creates a bond that is lasting and profound.
  3. Lonely singles have the right to companionship.
  4. God designed sex for marriage alone. 
  5. Sex work is good work.

In Part 2, Alice and I respond to these five statements: 

  1. It is loving to warn someone who is seducing others to sin. 
  2. People should not feel shame for exploring their sexual desires.
  3. Intimacy is beautiful no matter the sexual expression.
  4. We are accountable to God for every thought, word, and action. 
  5. Sin can suppress people’s consciences so they no longer experience guilt. 

If you get to the end of this podcast and ask, “Did Alice win or did Paula win,” you’ll be asking the wrong question. The whole point of this podcast was to have an authentic, loving, gospel conversation between two people with polarizing viewpoints. 

That is possible, by the way. And so needed. I pray our conversation emboldens you to get to know–and lovingly share truth–with people who seem scary because their worldview is so different from yours.

Partner with Me in the Gospel

Here’s how you can help partner with me in this important gospel work. 

  1. Give the podcast a listen: Part 1
    Part 2
  2. Pray for Alice. (After our conversations, I sent her a care package: a note, chocolate bar, Bible, and The Love of Loves in the Song of Songs book by Philip Ryken.) During our convo, I asked if she would commit to reading Jesus’ words for herself, and she said she would. Would you pray she really would, and that the Spirit would give her the gift of repentance and faith in Christ? 
  3. Leave a positive review on Apple podcasts. That will help this podcast get more exposure. 
  4. Share this podcast with someone, Christian or non-Christian. Here’s a video teaser if you prefer sending that to someone.

I’d love to hear from you after you listen. What stood out to you? Also, which comes easier for you in conversations with people who don’t know Jesus? Grace or truth? Love or boldness?
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Paula (Hendricks) Marsteller is a compassionate, bold Christian communicator offering you gospel hope, thought-provoking questions, and practical help along the way.

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