
How Boy Crazy Are You?

How boy crazy are you? (Or that daughter of yours?) You might be surprised. Maria wrote, “I never thought I was the boy crazy type, but when I honestly answered the boy crazy quiz, I realized I crush on guys a lot. This quiz was a good reality check.”

Take the “How Boy Crazy Are You Quiz” to find out how you or that girl in your life rate. Simply answer “yes” or “no” to these thirteen questions.

How Boy Crazy Are You Quiz

  1. In a room full of people, do you always know where “he” is?

2. Are guys your favorite topic of conversation with your girlfriends?how-boy-crazy-are-you-quiz-2

3. Do you often dress to catch a guy’s attention?


4. Do you replace one crush with another almost as soon as you realize the first relationship is not going anywhere?


5. Have you asked a guy out?


6. Do you have your eye on more than one guy at a time?


7. Do you believe you’d finally be completely happy if you had a boyfriend?


8. Do you change your schedule or plans in order to bump into him?


9. Do you tend to have more guy friends than girlfriends?


10. When you’re relaxing with a good book, movie, or song, do you pick those that are filled with ooey-gooey romance?


11. If you journal or pray, are your pages or prayers filled with thoughts and requests about guys?


12. Are you always trying to figure out which guys like you?


13. Would you be willing to get a total makeover for a guy? Not the hair, make-up, and new clothes kind, but the “I’ll change who I am at my core if that’s what it takes to get you” kind?


Where to Go from Here

How do you feel after taking this quiz? Are you surprised by how boy-crazy you or your daughter are? I’d love to hear from you.

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, here are a few resources I’ve written to help you on your journey from neediness to freedom:

  1. Other blog posts on the topic of “Boy-craziness.” (You might also be interested in these blog posts on the topics of “singleness” and “dating.”)
  2. The book, Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl: On Her Journey from Neediness to Freedom. (For years I didn’t know where to turn for help. As God began to show me the way out of my neediness, I asked Him if I could write a book to encourage other boy-crazy girls one day. He obviously put that desire in my heart, because in 2014, this adorable, little book was published by Moody Publishers.)
  3. A leader guide to help you easily walk the teens in your life through Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl. Learn more about it and download your free copy here.
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Paula (Hendricks) Marsteller is a compassionate, bold Christian communicator offering you gospel hope, thought-provoking questions, and practical help along the way.

6 thoughts on “How Boy Crazy Are You?”

  1. Jessica Wichers

    I’m so glad this quiz caught my eye (re-tweeted by True Woman Movement) because I think I really need this book! My pride is telling me that I’m old enough that I should be past all this… But apparently he Holy Spirit nudges me and says I’m not. I’ve ordered the book for Kindle and can’t wait to read it on Sunday. Thanks for writing.

  2. I would definitely say my 18 y/o stepdaughter is boy crazy for her boyfriend (whom she says she doesn’t see as marrying material). She just started her first year of college & he has gone to another state for college. She stays up late talking to him on Skype when she has to get up at 4am for work (getting about 5-6 hrs of sleep). She then comes home & tries to sleep for about an hour or does the schoolwork she didn’t do the night before. Then goes to cross country practice (which she got a scholarship for), then takes night classes at the college. She gets home about 9:30 pm and the cycle starts over again. So of course she is constantly tired & we keep trying to tell her that it’s not good for her and to maybe schedule skyping with him when she doesn’t have to work the next day.
    Back in June she did a 2 week missions trip with our church youth group to Trinidad. The night before she left, my husband made dinner for all of us. She chose to spend her time with her boyfriend & his family eating pizza and didn’t come home until 9:15pm and my husband had to leave for work at 10pm. She had left the house about 3;30pm that day while my husband was sleeping & I was at work, so by the time she got home at night, he got to see her for about 5 minutes because he had to get ready for work. And she sees nothing wrong with this.
    After she graduated high school we eased up on some of our rules and after that, if she wasn’t at work, she spent most of her time with her boyfriend & his parents. To the point that her chores fell behind & we weren’t even sure if she was still part of this family. This boy doesn’t even want to get to know her side of the family, but she has even met his family that has come in from out of town. I keep telling her that he can’t be very serious if he isn’t “stepping into her world” but she keeps stepping into his. It just falls on deaf ears every time. It’s very frustrating because my husband gave up a 16 year military career when he got custody of her. And yes, we have spoken to her about this MANY times, but the boyfriend seems to come first (she says he doesn’t, but her actions say differently), even though she said she doesn’t see him in her future & she talks about his lack of intelligence. So I would say she IS very boy crazy.

    1. Hey, Abigail, It sounds likely, although I hate to make that call without knowing you! Ultimately, boy-craziness is a matter of the heart. In my book, “Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl,” I say that boy-craziness is really just girl-neediness. Have you read the book? That would probably help you answer your question. (Thanks for taking the quiz!)

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